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  3. Harlands Farm Pond and Woodland

Owned by: Uckfield Town Council

This is an old and valuable farm pond located within the Harlands Farm housing development. It has a very important toad pond and also contains population of the common frog and rather unfortunately, a great number of goldfish as well as coots, moorhens and heron, waiting to grab a tasty snack. The small strip of ancient semi-natural adjacent woodland has a blanket Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on it and contains a mixture of tree species including alder and hazel. Great crested newts have been seen in the small stream which runs through the wood.


All Weather Walking Routes - Sensible footwear required in wet/winter months.

Disabled Access - Nothing to restrict disabled access, but no hard standing foot-way or boarding.

Information Boards - Wildlife information board by panel.


Suitable for Dogs


Contact Information
Uckfield, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom